A Chance to Live

An ice block floated on the water. Silently, Ji Hao looked at Wuzhi Qi sealed in the ice.

Inside the three-colored lamp on Wuzi Qi’s head, a bean-sized three-colored fire began burning. The fire quickly expanded to the size of a fist, while the strange white, red and blue light reached tens of meters away. A warm and pure positive power spread out, speedily melting the ice.

A couple of breaths later, the ice, which was created by the extremely negative power, dispersed. Wuzhi Qi walked out of the dense watery mist, with his long silver fir soaked.

Treading on the water, he approached Ji Hao step by step. Shaking his body, Wuzhi Qi got rid of the water on his fur, then those pretty long fur turned dry and smooth again. His cyan-colored long shirt had been frozen into pieces already. Taking out a large piece of hide from an unknown source, Wuzhi Qi casually wrapped his body up.