The Power of the Forbidden Magic

Wuzhi Qi was proud. He was from the first generation of living creatures in the world, and he believed that except for himself, no one else deserved his forename. Therefore, all Wuzhi Qi’s offsprings took ‘Yuan’ as their last name. This good-looking one who broke into Ji Hao’s water city for the dragon blood pill, was the youngest son of Wuzhi Qi, named Yuan Li.

Yuan Li’s mother was a super talented human Maguspriest, a real master of water magics. When she was dedicated to Wuzhi Qi as an offering, she was already a Divine Maguspriest. Afterwards, she was pregnant for twelve years before she had Yuan Li. Yuan Li was nourished by all kinds of essence water power back when he was still in his mother’s womb, and once he was born, he showed his amazing talents in no time.

The one who dashed out of the city to attack Yuan Li was no one else but Yu Mu.