
Yuan Li popped out his pair of eyes and stared straight at Ji Hao. He couldn’t believe this.

By now, the only moveable body parts of his was his pair of eyes. Except for those eyes, he felt that even his soul had been soaked in sticky mud, and his mind had been turning slower and slower.

Baring his upper body, Heng Xing rushed out of the city. He straightened a mace and whipped it heavily on Yuan Li’s back. Followed by a muffled thud, Yuan Li was knocked to the ground while vomiting blood.

Dropped the mace, Heng Xing pulled out a magic rope made from a boa tendon mixed with essence magic crystals, then tied Yuan Li up neatly and quickly. While doing that, he sneakily, evilly, and heavily punched Yuan Li’s ribs, thighs, lower bellies, and the other not so vital yet extremely painful body areas hundreds of times.