Countless Clones

Yu Ancestor tilted his head and stared at Ji Hao with a demented look. He widely opened his eyes, as much as he could, trying to figure out why Ji Hao wasn’t unharmed at all, while his own life-force was seventy to eighty percent consumed!

Ji Hao didn’t give Yu Ancestor any extra time to think. With the basic Big Dipper step he learned from Yu Yu, Ji Hao flashed across the air and dashed straight to Yu Ancestor, wielding the sword fiercely. The Taiji divine sword airily brushed across Yu Ancestor’s body, leaving a cold beam of light in the air.

When the sword light dazzled, Yu Ancestor attempted to dodge. But, when he saw the movement of the sword, he laughed out loud, proudly raised his head and let the sword swish across his shoulder.