Break In

Looking closer, Ji Hao found tens of dark holes on the rock wall, in the deepest area of this water cave. All these dark silhouettes came from those holes. Earlier, Ji Hao had focused his attention on Yu Ancestor, and didn’t notice those creatures who suddenly showed up. By now, Ji Hao and a chance to carefully look at them. While looking at those creatures, Ji Hao even showed his teeth in shock — Those creatures were awfully ugly.

They looked like toads, but scaled; they also looked like lizards, but short and fat. Each of them had three feet, with each foot having five fingers. Those transparent, sticky fingers looked like tentacles of some insects. They were as big as large bulls. Their bodies were only twice as big as their heads, and on the hideous head of each of these creatures was a giant mouth, which was especially eye-catching. Occasionally, they would slightly open their mouths and let out water-like streams of purple-red sand.