Kill, Kill, Kill

Eighteen sky devils, all at the level of ‘Zun’.

They were hundreds of meters tall, with different body shapes, yet all wearing brightly glowing pearls and jewels which looked quite resplendent. They silently stood on the rainbow, looking at Ji Hao with eyes shining with five-colored lights. No one knew what they were thinking.

"Outer space sky devils!" Looking at these sky devils, Ji Hao sighed to Red Lotus and said, "Back then in Southern Wasteland, your Master Shifu denied admitting that your sect has anything to do with these sky devils. Look what happened today. You guys are officially working together, aren’t you?"

Red Sun threw a slightly fearful glance at those sky devils, then smiled in a complicated way and responded, "Ji Hao, stop talking nonsense. How can we work together with these sky devils? Don’t you know that, you…"