All Worlds

Were they confident?

Arrogant maybe!

When Red Lotus and Ji Hao were talking, those tens of thousands of disciples of Priest Hua and Priest Mu didn’t activate the formation. Instead, they were watching, laughing, and being proud.

Therefore, when Ji Hao threw down all those thunder bombs and magic talismans, the formation was just activated. In a warm light, the space began folding and twisting intensely. The space with a radius of tens of thousands of miles was compressed into a small sphere, but the space as tiny as a grain of dust was expanded, and turned into a tens of miles long distance.

The time was disturbed as well. Sometimes, the time was fast, but sometimes, it was frozen. In some areas in the great formation, a breath could be as long as ten-thousand years, but in some areas, the time was almost stopped.