Gong Gong’s Determination

In the heaven, a great hall...

Yemo Tian slantingly and lazily lied in the arms of a group of beautiful clam girls. While rubbing those girls’ bodies with both his hands, he was chewing a divine fruit picked up from the orchard in the heaven. In the meanwhile, he was laughing teasingly, "Are they finished just like that? Those water-kind creatures fought with instincts. An army like this is so fragile!"

Swallowing the juicy fruit, Yemo Tian proudly showed the whites of his eyes, sneered coldly and continued, "If you stick with my plan and let me activate my invincible destructive weapon, they’d be all gone after one single ‘boom’!"

Dishi Cha and Gong Gong stood in the middle of the hall, seriously looking at the images showing on a divine mirror in front of them. They pretended to hear nothing from Yemo Tian. Neither of them prepared to respond.