Dark Water Yao Yao

All Streams to The Final Land great formation, reaching the stage of the nine final water gates, it was almost completed.

On both sides of the Kui Gate, the mountains were towering and cliffy, like an enormous study wall, firmly blocking the vast water. Tens of thousands of different sized rivers had merged into an ocean. The enormous waves fiercely slapped the cliff of the Kui Gate. Pushed by fierce undercurrents, countless whirlpools bumped against the cliff like bombs. Every time when a whirlpool shattered, the explosive sound would be as loud as ten-thousand bombs going off together.

Facing the dreadful flood, Kui Gate remained perfectly stable. Si Wen Ming dredged the water channels in Midland with the great formation called ‘All Streams to The Final Land’. While the endless water power in the air was being drawn away, the great formation was also affecting the flowing directions of the underground natural meridians.