Leading A Sect Alone


Hearing Yu Yu shouting 'slaughter, deracinate', and seeing a giant formation diagram slowly spiraling up, covering the whole space, and the four beams of sword light standing straight on the four corners of the diagram, Priest Mu and Priest Hua both screamed out loud. They trembled like little girls who ran into a thousand ghosts in a wild graveyard at midnight. They turned around and flew straight away.

They even bit broken the tips of their tongues, consumed their life-force, and cast their most powerful magic. Momentarily, they transformed into long streaks of light, broke the space, and disappeared without a trace.

They had fought Yu Yu many times. In a few battles, they also confronted the sword formation activated by Yu Yu, who was infuriated. Suffering for a few times, they gained experiences, based on which, they hurriedly fled while the sword formation hadn't completely composed itself yet, and a glean hope of survival still existed above it.