Destroy the Wild One

Sitting in the sword gate, Ji Hao saw Yu Yu take out three oddly shaped jade pieces and straighten his right forefinger and middle finger, dipping in the blood on his shoulder. He quickly carved the jade pieces and made three feet-long sword talismans within a couple of breaths.

Yu Yu pushed forward his hands. Along with thunder, three dazzling sword talismans transformed into three bolts of lightning and flashed to Ji Hao, Dachi, and Qingwei. Together, they burst into a sonorous roar, and each took a sword talisman with both hands, releasing a stream of power from their mouths that spread on them. Immediately, the sword light shone, and an indescribable connection was built between them and the entire sword formation.

Yu Man roared hoarsely and glanced around in panic, as he had already sensed the extraordinariness of Yu Yu's sword formation.