Yemo Tian Changes

Extremely deep underground, looking down through a precipitous cliff, one would see a faint red light of lava bursting from the earth core. The great heat released from the lava provided the living beings in this underground world energy. Bushes which adapted to the dark environment grew thickly in this area, and under the bushes were a large number of fluorescent mushrooms.

Rodents moved swiftly across the bushes, searching for anything that suited their tastes. Larger sized predators hid in the shadows, quietly observing this giant number of targets.

All of a sudden, a roar burst from the darkness. A purely black tusk leopard leaped high into the sky and pounced on a two-feet-long rat. The rat was scared to death. But, before it turned around and fled, a giant axe spun over and cut off the head of the leopard.