Dragon Mother’s Story

In heaven, Ji Hao and Mr. Crow had been walking quickly through a series of paths and corridors. About ten Gold Crow guards followed closely behind him while looking around curiously.

The palaces in this area were designed in an ancient style. Every tile and brick seemed to be telling the long history of the heaven. A faint divine light shone from the brickwork joints. Every inch of space in this area was filled with countless secret divine seals, that any outsider would die immediately if he or she approached it.

Ji Hao was a divine god, and had powerful treasures like the golden bridge, but still, he was only allowed to walk with his feet in this area, without daring to fly through the space. After all, this was the most important, core area of the heaven. The palace in this area was called 'Wisdom Star Palace'. All scriptures, history books, annals, and secret records were kept in this place.