Deep In the Chaos

In the starry void, natural stars emitted eye-dazzling lights while spinning slowly in the boundless void, causing rumbling noises that sounded like hundreds of bursts of thunder in the soul. A relatively weaker soul would be crushed immediately by the scary noises in the starry void.

Numberless, tremendously powerful, starry void creatures had been flying 'slowly' in the void, from one corner to another, chasing after the stars, the storms, and all kinds of energy crystals. Occasionally, a great war would happen between these creatures for small reasons. Even the natural stars would be shaken because of their combat.

Tens of thousands of frog-like starry void creatures floated in a dark cloud of dust, eyes fixed directly on a giant creature which looked like jellyfish with thousand-miles-long tentacles. These tens of meters tall frogs were all drooling.