Unexpected Twist

Earth core, in the vast expanse of ancient poisonous earth fire…

The battle between Priest Yun and Priest Jun was carrying on, seeming nowhere near ending ever.

Bright lights shone from their heads while the lotuses which contained measureless power bumped into each other one after another, vanishing quietly. Each time two lotuses collided with each other, the life-force of Pan Gu world would weaken by a little. Fortunately, Pan Yu started a massacre in Pan Gu world and killed numberless Yu Clan saints to devour the original power of countless worlds. Pan Gu world absorbed a tremendous amount of original world power. Therefore, it could afford this battle between Priest Yun and Priest Jun.

However, they were both tightly connected with Pan Gu world after all. Each time Pan Gu world took a loss, they would suffer a counterforce and be harmed as well. With the passage of time, their powers withered, and their faces were filled with tiredness.