Powerful Enemy

Thunderbolts fell like a rain.

The blurry thunderbolts contained a mysterious natural power, that every strike quaked the earth. Even the people who watched this from far away felt their internal organs were on fire and souls were shaken.

The thunderbolts penetrated the space and destroyed everything they touched. When the thunderbolts exploded, Pan Gu Motherland shook like a falling leaf in a strange wind. Even the natural stars seemed to fall from the sky.

Pan Yu raised his head and roared with a great rage, "How dare you grab food from my mouth?"

The Chaos power spread all over the world. The three blurry figures which floated in the air smiled sarcastically at Pan Yu, then concentrated the thunderbolts and covered him up. Countless bolts of thunder exploded on Pan Yu's body, broke his skin and muscles, and brought him am unbearable pain.