The Toughest Battle

With the Violet Sun Sword in hand, Qin Wushuang did not suppress his Upper Sky Spiritual pressure at all. He instructed the others: "You eight will divide into two groups. Each group of four people will stay at the sides. Just make sure to stop him if he tries to cover his head and to sneak away like a rat."

Then, he gave a look to Wei Yi: "Senior Brother Wei Yi, please assist me. Act according to situation."

As soon as Wei Yi heard Qin Wushuang’s instructions, he knew his ambition was to kill this person directly!

He nodded without hesitation: "Alright, I will assist you! This person is the criminal that caused the devastating massacre of the Purple Cloud town. Today, regardless, we must kill him!"

 "He is the one?" Instantly, flames of anger shot out from Qin Wushuang’s eyes, "Then I will not withdraw unless I cut off his head!"