All Star Team Up

Instantly, Wei Yi understood. He knew that this man in grey robes was hiding underground and he could break through the earth at any time to launch a fatal attack.

Instantly, both him and Qin Wushuang started to use all their senses to detect the Spiritual Qi movements from underground. As soon as they felt a trace, he would slash his Cicada Sword downwards without hesitation.

Although hiding underground could help to launch a surprise attack, at the same time it was not easy to defend himself.

Thus, these strange acts of this man in grey robes had its advantage and disadvantages.

If he used it well, he could launch a surprise attack. If not, his enemy would grab the chance to counterattack.

When he saw the other disciples had retreated, Wei Yi made a hand signal to Qin Wushuang and called out pretentiously: "Junior Brother Qin, I am going to defend that side, stay and guard here."