Warship Husk!

"Of the 300 kilometers danger zone, only the 10 kilometers nearest to the warship will not send us into a blackout."

After the systems came back online, Yao Yuan didn’t instantly continue their journey to the warship husk. Instead, he parked the shuttle to initiate multiple checks. He wanted to know their distance from the husk and the shuttle’s internal conditions.

The examination lasted for 10 minutes, and after it finished, Yao Yuan shared the results with the rest of his party. Certain that everything was back to normal, they continued on to their destination.

The area of blank space came as a surprise, but it was definitely all show. However, as the shuttle came ever closer to the warship husk, Zhang Heng and Chou Yue both felt a tingling sense of incoming danger. Nevertheless, the feeling was not one that screamed of immediate threat… in fact, it was not unlike how they felt prior to the earthquake that shook the meteorite base.