
Yao Yuan was already searching for solutions before the partition dropped completely. He looked left and then right before yelling, "The hole on the wall, follow me!"

Before he finished his sentence, Yao Yuan had already leaped over the hole [1]. He landed in a room whose door had already been blasted off and miscellaneous broken machine parts covered the floor. Training his weapon at the opening where the door once stood, he yelled behind him, "Don’t let your guard down! We are moving forward! Ebon and Wa Luo, you two bring up the rear!"

Yao Yuan took big steps towards the opening… but he remained careful. Try as he might, he could only go so fast in zero-gravity space.

Yao Yuan involuntarily moved his eyes to the red lights blinking at the top of his helmet, but he quickly caught himself. It was still not the time to employ the one-use propellers.