Every Blow is Fatal

Blood had splashed everywhere below the table. Five legs were separated from their bodies. Only the man who stood up to scold Jun Moxie reacted faster and was able to save one of his legs.

The smell of blood diffused out!

It all happened too quickly! It was too shocking!

No one knew whether Chu Qihun really knew how difficult it would be to live without a leg. But now these three men definitely had first hand experience.

This unexpected occurrence took everyone by surprise! With the collaboration of the two supreme killers, perhaps even Venerables would not be able to defend against it!

The other two in purple robes at the table were sitting there quietly, just about to enjoy their wine. Their eyes looked at this side with interest as if they were watching a play. The competition between these commoners was really none of their business.

How would they expect that something astonishing was about to happen to them!