The Misty Illusory Manor

In the last step of the strategy, the target was still dreaming and watching the thing like a show! Their fate was sealed!

The control, the subtlety of the psychological gamble, and the ingenuity and adaptability of the layout were amazing! Chu Qihun had to admit that he wouldn't have done so well in that position!

He must be a godly assassin, killing without trace and without using his own hands!

Chu Qihun was suddenly quite afraid as he thought about what if this person… was an enemy? With this thought, he disappeared into the snow even quicker…

Chu Qihun was gone like wind. Han Shan Chang then finally slowly fell facing up. Blood shot out from him appeared like an arrow piercing through his chest. His eyes were wide open, his throat gurgled, and he fell to the ground with a bang. His dead, fish-like eyes looked at Jun Moxie and he struggled to ask, "Who are you?"

"Me? I am a human!" Jun Moxie answered with a shocked expression.