Preparation for Cultivation

"Brother Shi, this Red Flame Palace was built by the Red Flame City Lord. All of us are earning spiritual stones by taking on the tasks here," Yu Yi said.

Shi Mu nodded but his attention was suddenly taken by the crowd standing in a circle around the white stone monument. One by one they all stood staring at the stone tablet, pointing and whispering among themselves.

From time to time, someone would take out a token-like item and hold it in front of the monument. As soon as the token was in sight of the monument, a ray of white light would emerge and shine upon the token, fusing with it.

Yu Yi took Shi Mu around the stone monument and toward the hall.

There were small rooms in the depths of the hall and every one of them was occupied. In one of the rooms, a middle-aged man wearing a red robe caught Yu Yi's eye. He was sitting behind a table holding a scroll and was so immersed in his reading it was as if the whole world around him dissolved.