Condition of Exchange

"Brother Shi, good news!" Yu Yi said excitedly as he walked into the house.

"Is it about the Lava Pool?" Shi Mu asked excitedly.

"Well yes. I've inquired about the Lava Pool on your behalf. I'm told the city has no extra Lava Pools to be rented out at the moment, but I've asked the Celestial Fire Armory about it too. They said there are more than a dozen Lava Pools under them. One of the Lava Pools is unstable so it was vacated," Yu Yi said.

"Does this mean they are renting it out?" Shimu asked anxiously.

"The deacon said it might be considered, but in exchange, you would need to meet one of their conditions," Yu Yi said.

"What kind of conditions? Let's hear it." Shi Mu asked, relieved that he might have a chance at renting it.

It was good that it came with conditions. This was certainly a breakthrough.

Yu Yi hesitated for a second before saying, "They require a Demon Pill produced by the Flaming Crown Demon Snake."