Two Submersible Turns

"Sect fellow Shi, this is the blood essence of the Xiantian baize. Please have a closer look at it," The fat manager said as he put two jade bottles on the table.

Shi Mu immediately reached out to pick up the white jade bottle. He peeled off the seal and opened up the cork.

The room's temperature suddenly dropped from the cold that emerged.

This level of qi rushed at Shi Mu. He released his spirit sense to take a good look at it through the bottle.

In the jade bottle was a small drop of blue liquid which looked extremely pure, without a trace of impurities. It exuded a strong chilly atmosphere far above the frost spider.

Shi Mu nodded in satisfaction. Though the qi of the blue liquid was not as great as the blood essence of the white Azure Ape, it was of purity far beyond anything he had seen before. A drop of blood essence would be more than enough.

He sealed the jade bottle shut and picked up another bottle. Upon checking it, his eyes had a look of satisfaction.