The Coming Ten Years

"Alright, I understand," Leng Cui Huan said quietly to the two men before she turned to leave.

Under the dawning light, her face seemed a bit disheveled.

She initially wanted to discuss with Shi Mu regarding the next general election of Qinglan. She did not expect him to be absent.

At the same time, she was also somewhat worried.

In the beginning, Shi Mu promised to keep her safe for ten years, and now she was finally out in the real world after five years. She hoped nothing would happen or her efforts would be wasted. After all, Shi Mu was not present to support and protect her if Zhao Shenlei were to appear.

A dim expression flashed across Cui Huan's face. She immediately turned around and flew back toward her chambers. With a loud bang, the door closed tight behind her.

An array of light illuminated and her retreat was now shrouded.