The Peak Of The Battle

On the second day, the two figures stood opposite each other above the platform.

One of them was on a cloud with a black staff on his shoulder. It was none other than Shi Mu.

The other person was covered with dragon scales and shining armor. He had a look of pride on his face as he held his golden knife in his hands. It was the hundred-year disciple who ranked first in the Holy Land of Qinglan. It was Long Zhanye.

The crowd around the platform had doubled in number over the last two days. The sound of their clamorous discussions rose and fell. They had been waiting for the hundred-year-old disciple who was in the limelight. They wanted to see him in an all-out battle.

"I didn't expect that both Ling Feng and Yun Xiao would lose to a kid like that. That was such a surprise to me!" Long Zhanye said.

Shi Mu addressed him, "I'll continue my winning streak today too!".

"What a joke! You will pay for your arrogance!" Long Zhanye sneered in disgust.
