

The sound of bones breaking filled the air!

Long Zhanye's arms twisted at a different angle followed by a bursting sound as the Wishful Steel Staff hit against his chest.

Blood spurted out of his mouth as his body flew backward and fell unconscious to the ground.

The Wishful Steel Staff bounced back once again and fell into Shi Mu's hands.


Shi Mu's body swayed as his hands slammed onto the ground in front of him to balance himself.

The scene in the ring instantly fell silent.

Eight feet up in the sky, the cyan light curtain shrouded the ruins below.

Around the ruins, everyone looked through the light curtain at the figure that had yet fallen with indifference in his eyes.

The strength demonstrated by both Shi Mu and Long Zhanye in this battle had far exceeded everyone's expectations, especially the To Heaven And Earth technique. It was so strong that it almost destroyed everything completely, leaving an unforgettable impression in the crowd's memories.