Strength of the Minion

The quest submission NPC was an Elf Thief, hidden in the shadows at the dungeon entrance. She’s barely noticeable even if you stood beside her! One by one, the party members submitted their quests, and the NPC finally gave responses.

“Heroes of the Union! Behold the sight! Those devil-succumbed Spellcasters! Look at what they did to this place! Snow Sprite City was once a marvelous and beautiful city; but the wicked Dark Magicians left this place devastated! Now, he sits on the throne in the center of the Main Wing! You must save this city! You must destroy him!”

“But beware, adventurers. If you want to defeat Marzerway himself, you must first defeat four of his underlings and get past the Front Wing and Middle Wing! Heed my warning! These four underlings were created by Marzerway himself through the use of Dark Arts, made from the essences of the elementals! These elementals are not to be treated lightly!”