Speed Achievement

Ever since the incident at the club, Fatty Han had been missing in action for the next two days, before finally popping online, during the afternoon of the third day.

“Fatty, are you all shriveled up now? Be careful not to break your hips!” Zhang Yang teased.

“Little Yang! Only today have I finally understood why men love hearing girls say “I want it”, but what that follows next, “I want more” is a nightmare! I’m telling you! For the past two days, I’ve had to listen to her saying “I want more” for 17 times! SE-VEN-TEEN TIMES! God! I’m all skinny right now!” Fatty Han “complained” about his proud achievement.

“Hah! Congratulations on popping your cheery!” Zhang Yang laughed.

Even though Fatty Han had always layered his speech with dirty talk, he never had been able to walk the talk. He has never carried out his spoken intentions. The closest friend he had was just someone called Jean, or was it Jenny…