First Boss of the Castle

Right after dinner, the team gathered to clear the floors; all the way until they have met the first boss.

[Captain Guard Gail Baghdad, Legendary Centaur Hero] (Gray-Silver, Spectre)

Level: 41

HP: 820,000

The male centaur was huge, with his white horse body, along with a muscular human half. With just one look, you would know that he was a formidable one, having emitting strong hostility and strength that even his attackers would doubt their capabilities. He wielded a long spear on his right hand, with a long bow hanging from his back.

His face stoic and rigid, with eyes glowing emerald flames burning evilly as the only noticeable movement around his complexion! Rather than feeling fear, Endless Starlight and Daffodil Daydream were both excited as they had never encountered a Gray-Silver boss before.

Looking at the boss, Fatty Han asked, “Am I seeing things, or is that a spear AND a bow? I’m pretty sure players could only use only one type of weapon, no?”