
‘Ding! The fourth wave of monsters have started to come out of Tukula Fortress!’

A huge, 10 meter tall treant started to walk out slowly from the fortress! Its movement speed seemed rather sloppy and sluggish. The monster moved one limb after the other, at a speed slightly above that of a real life sloth. However, each stride it took was vast -- as long as 6 to 7 meters. In actuality, it was moving rather swiftly towards them!

Like the previous waves of monsters, treants were also divided into normal and elites. The elite monster was twice the height. Like a sky-scraping tree in the amazon jungle, this monster had similarly proportional long legs! In fact, it was so huge that every step caused a massive tremor!

[Thick Bark Treant] (Normal, Elemental)

Level: 54

HP: 5,400

Defense: 100

[Iron Bark Treant] (Elite, Elemental)

Level: 54

HP: 100,000

Defense: 600

Such a strong defense value; almost double that of other monsters! As expected of the names they were given.