Divide and Conquer

As the 20th slowly approached, many more players had started to flock the hotel. On the 14th, Lost Dream, Galileo, Fantasy Sweetheart had arrived and exchanged greetings with Zhang Yang and the rest. Naturally, everyone was excited. Lost Dream was an ordinary looking youth of average build. Not too shabby, nor too bulky. Galileo was just a high school student. Zhang Yang wondered about how he managed to get his parents approval to come all the way to Shanghai all by himself.

The best way to describe Fantasy Sweetheart was: big-boobed baby face. She was 20 years old, however, her cute appearance totally went against her age that everyone had to agree that she was just too "kawaii". Her big juggling breasts were firm and large, on par to Han Ying Xue’s perfect genes! Lost Dream and Fatty Han were openly drooling at her. Galileo was the only innocent young boy, he had to hide somewhere else to hide his blushing red face.