Sword of Purging Devourer

Honduras ran at such speed, that Zhang Yang wondered that whether he was really true to his heart about meeting his daughter, or is that he wanted to actually skip town to get away from Zhang Yang!

Luckily, Zhang Yang’s mount could keep up with anything on two feet. No matter how fast Honduras ran, Zhang Yang was always able to chase after to him. He never had to worry about losing him.

Honduras ran a good distance and turned back, only to see Zhang Yang was smirking at his futile attempt to flee. Finally giving in to his fatigue, Honduras panted and walked with a slower pace. He knows that no matter how fast he ran, he could never outrun Zhang Yang and his bear. His actions had only proved that he wanted to con Zhang Yang!

The duo finally reached a town and went around a few streets before coming to a large building.

"Master…!" Standing near the entrance were two gardeners, When the saw Honduras walking towards them, they exclaimed in surprise.