Game of Thrones

[McLaren Artilos, the King of Hansung Kingdom] (Mythical, Humanoid)

Level: 144

HP: 1,000,000,000

Defense: 9,410

Melee Attack: 70, 092 – 90,092


[Great Destructor]: Lays down a powerful strike to destroy the land. Deals 100% melee attack to all targets attacking the caster.

[Heavy Bash]: Bashes a target and deals 150% melee physical attack. Knocks a target back and reduces the aggro value held by the target.

[Constitution]: Restore 2% HP every 30 seconds. Cannot be affected by any effect.

[Wrath of a King]: If the battle was prolonged to 10 minutes. McLaren will be enraged and summons all his guards to destroy all enemies.

Note: The ruler of Hansung Kingdom. Despite his age, the man is powerful. He was a war general when he was younger and carried the skills of war to his old age.

"Zhan Yu! WTF dude! You said 400,000,000! The boss has 1,000,000,000 HP!" Sword of Light gasped.