Strike Back on the Japan-Korea Region

 Speaking of tactics, the China Region was undoubtedly the most successful among them all. It only took approximately half an hour for them to collect a large amount of kill count to gain an advantageous head start over the others. As long as they maintain their pace until the battle ends, they should be the one claiming victory over the war.

As mentioned previously, taking control over the center point was merely one of many ways of attaining victory over the war. It was not necessary to take down the central point in order for the Region to win. However, everyone was blinded by the killing and slaughtering right before their eyes, that they lost track of the main objective. They were so eager to take control over the center point, that they lost track of everything. Even though there were a few who were clear-minded enough to stop and inform the rest by shouting and screaming, no one seemed to care about it at all.

Just kill them! Just slaughter them all!