The Four Man Team

The enemies were all mounted on their mounts, however, mounts were prohibited from flying in the map, hence, the players were not airborne, but merely riding their mounts like a horse. Besides Scholar Musou and Longrich, the other player present was Ink Wave, a Level 146 Guardian and Wind Chime, a Level 145 Bandit. Obviously, all of them were of the guild Eternal Flame.

"Hey! Don't you know who we are?" said Wind Chime as he brandished his swords out, grinning with smugness on his face as he threatened Zhang Yang.

"Before you get your sad face off this map, pay us 100,000 gold coins as a compensation for wasting our time. Mind you, don't even try thinking of running away. Pay up or I will find you and kill you every single day. The only way you'll reach Level 150 is in your dreams!"

"Stupid. That's just being too nice to them." Ink Wave snorted.