Probing into the truth

After distributing everything, everyone took out their scrolls and left the Mythical Dragon Realm. Well, this realm was going to collapse automatically, soon. It remained unknown how long would it take for this realm to spawn again. Also, there was no telling where the realm would spawn either. Players would have to look it up from scratch.

After arriving at the main city, Zhang Yang quickly inserted a Level 6 Strength Gemstone into the socket of his [Crimson Goblin Gaunlets]. Until he reaches Level 160, he would not be able to equip it. Zhang Yang was currently at Level 154. He only needed 50% more to reach Level 155. From that perspective, it would not take long before he reaches Level 160.

Also, another happy thought crossed his mind. When he reaches Level 160, he also gets to borrow the little brat's hammer for a spin.