The Birth of a Treasure

Fourth ranked Eyes of Execution!

These simple words carried such an aggressive and undefeatable power with them. The entire Wan Jian House fell into a shattering shock.

On the Stage of Life and Death, the 11 Peak Leaders were completely astonished. Even the Kill Sword Peak Leader felt waves of emotion and could not be calmed down for a long time.

Even though these people have never seen with their naked eyes the power of the Eyes of Execution, after so many years of training, they had comprehensive understandings of the techniques and mysterious powers it had the cultivation community. The more they knew, the more they feared. The Inner Eyes were one of the things they feared.

Eyes of Execution was the king of all the Inner Eyes, and they are the definition of frightfulness and invincibility!

Because of this, when they heard Ling Xian possessed the Eyes of Execution, they were shocked to their cores.