Attack of a Formidable Opponent

The Vast Mountains was a place that was widely known for its dangerousness.

The mountain range rises and falls endlessly. It is covered with ancient trees that were sky high, occupied by countless monstrous beings, and coated with strange and unidentifiable plants and flowers. It was a treacherous place, but at the same time, it was a precious place.

The Sun was hanging high in the sky and scattering soft lights down on Earth. The light peeked through the leaves and the trees, adding warmth to the dark and shadowy mountains.

In the middle of the jungle, a shadow in white dashed forward at full speed. With the agility of a monkey and the grace of a butterfly, he was heading straight toward the pillar of purple light.

It was Ling Xian.

Even though he was fully aware of the fact that he could not compete with those super ferocious monsters, he would’ve hated himself if he didn’t go and check out the treasure The Untainted told him about.