Bai Xiao Qi

The Sun hung in the sky, spraying down borderless amount of light that brightened the surface of the ocean.

A giant and grand ship was sailing in the ocean. But of course, the word "flying" would better describe its current state. This was because the speed of this ship was insanely fast. Even if a cultivator of the foundational level gave it his all, he would not be able to match the speed of this ship.

It was for this reason, did cultivators choose to go the Trading Island using this ship. Not only would the speed of this ship fast, it would also save them plenty of energy. Though a great alternative, it was one of the most expensive transportation method on the 36 islands and normal people couldn't afford this.

On the gigantic canvas of the ship, three golden characters were written.

Sailing Trade Post.

Ever since it left Shi Ao Island, it had been sailing close to three months and was about three to four days away from reaching Trading Island.