A Monstrous Storm

The giant Sun in the sky shone down on the endless ocean.

The ocean was originally calm and serene. In the three months it was sailing, it did not encounter any storms or even giant waves. Yet, right now, the ocean had turned aggressive and violent. Like an angry giant snake, it shot through the sky in anger!

At the same time, the sky darkened, and the white clouds turned black instantly. Like a bottomless bottle of ink that poured onto a blue piece of paper, the originally clear sky became grim.

As if affected by the dark clouds, the tornado grew even more violent. Within a few breaths' time, it approached closer for hundreds of meters and was no longer far away from the ship.

This scene shocked everyone on the ship.

Everyone's expression became lifeless as they watched the terrifying scene unfold before them.

"Oh my god, is this the legendary Tornado of the Demonic Dragon?"