
The City of Sin is located at the border between Yunzhou and Yuezhou.

Here converged the leaders of many hoodlums and runaway cultivators who committed crimes elsewhere. The city itself was a melting pot of good and bad.

Inside this city, the highest level of cultivation was the completion level. Every single completion leveled cultivator acted as if above everyone else and hoarded the title of being the strongest. They peered down onto the City of Sin as if they were the rulers.

To the cultivators inside the City of Sin, completion leveled cultivators acted all as if they were the Gods who controlled everyone. They represented absolute authority and nobody ever dared to disobey them!

Therefore, when these people found out that Ling Xian was a completion leveled cultivator, they were completely stunned.

Everyone was scared to the extreme, terrified that Ling Xian would kill them with a flap of his sleeve.