Under the Current

The City of Sin was the most chaotic place in Yuezhou.

At this place, there wasn't a single moment when there wasn't a crime going on. Stealing and killing happened on the daily basis and were not considered news.

Normally, what Ling Xian did at the entrance of the city would at most surprise people for a short while rather than creating a giant wave of shock among them. What made his name known across this City in such a short period of time was because of his cultivation level.

One short hiss made more than 10 foundation leveled cultivators puke out blood. This dominating capabilities meant he was, at the very least, a completion leveled powerhouse!

Completion leveled!

To the City of Sin, this level of cultivation indicated an unreachable height and absolute power!

In the entire City of Sin, there were only three completion leveled cultivators in total. But now another one suddenly emerged. How could everyone not feel shocked?