The News of Death

After leaving Ling Tian Xiang's isolation quarter, Ling Xian first visited the Lin Clan's alchemy brewery to check if Lin Qing Yi was around.

Pity, he couldn't find Lin Qing Yi. The store had switched owners completely.

After all, several decades have passed. For things to not be exactly the same as before was understandable.

Then, Ling Xian headed to the Zhou Dynasty.

First, he wanted to see if Lin Qing Yi was with the Seventh Princess. Second, he wanted to resolve his rivalry with the Zhou Dynasty's emperor.

Back then, the emperor lent a helping hand to the three foreign kinds in hope of killing him. This rivalry was something Ling Xian still remembers.

Therefore, he wanted to resolve this first before dealing with the three foreign kinds.

After traveling for more than half a month, he finally arrived at the base of the Zhou Dynasty.

Currently, the Sun was hanging high in the sky. It was noon exactly.