An Imperious Invitation

"Prepare the empress gown. Tomorrow, I will make you the ruler."

After leaving behind this statement, Ling Xian drifted away.

Prepare the empress gown?

Make you the ruler?

After figuring out what Ling Xian meant by this, the Seventh Princess was a little stunned. But quickly, her face exploded with ecstasy.

Her dream has been to become the ruler of the Zhou Dynasty. Sadly, she hasn't been able to sit in the ruler's chair. Now that Ling Xian was saying he could make her the ruler, why wouldn't she be overjoyed?

But remembering how the fate between Lin Qing Yi and Ling Xian is still unknown, she sighed a long sigh, "He has left for a while. Come out now."

After those words, the space nearby shook a little bit. Then, a grey-haired, and wrinkly elder appeared.

That visage… who could it be other than Lin Qing Yi?

"He left…"

Lin Qing Yi looked into the direction Ling Xian went. Tears glided down her cheeks soundlessly.