What Happened After They Consumed Poison

Hai Tianqing stared hard at the four votes on the table, and a darker and more complex expression overtook his face. It was as if he could not accept that he was the only suspect. The air seemed to stop moving, and the heavy atmosphere weighed over their heads and shoulders. After some time had passed, Hai Tianqing lifted his head suddenly and glared at Lin Sanjiu.

"Eh… I thought I acted really well. How did you find out that I was the one?"

He was no longer speaking in Hai Tianqing’s usual deep voice, but instead, he was using the same voice that they had heard countless times, the voice which came from the white fog. It had a light-hearted, cheerful timbre — that which belonged to Mr. Dot.

"Crash!" There was a loud noise as Hu Changzai suddenly knocked over his own chair and quickly moved multiple steps away from Hai Tianqing, or rather Mr. Dot. He stood some distance away from the man as fear filled his face. B.Rabbit’s fur also flared as he went into a defensive position.