We Got out of That Pocket Dimension, so Let's Continue on Our Journey...huh?

Hai Tianqing rubbed his face, he felt as if he had been dreaming for a long time. The vague images slowly faded from his mind as he opened his eyes. Appearing a little dazed after waking up, he looked around him and saw three familiar figures.

The warm rain and white fog had dissipated at some unknown point in time, and the stars now shone through the clear night sky. The three figures sat in a circle, with an awkward distance between them. No one could deny that odd but serious atmosphere in the air.

"What are you doing?" Hai Tianqing sat up. When he did this, his temples throbbed painfully. "How did I fall asleep here?" He stood up and walked toward his companions. He intuitively felt that something was wrong, his face turned green.

"Where is my Active ability? Why is my [The glory of a personal trainer] gone?"