That's Not My Sister!!

"Wait. Let me make sense of things…" Mrs. Manas' slightly frantic voice buzzed. Following which, a few lines appeared on the blackboard of Lin Sanjiu's [School of Higher Consciousness] with a scratching sound. That was the first time the blackboard had been used in this manner since it was created.

The few lines showed a simplified drawing of a building. The crude drawing was basically of two horizontal lines with multiple vertical lines in between. Each cell was labeled with a number indicating the floors. However, when Lin Sanjiu and Mrs. Manas were trying to place the numbers representing each floor, they found themselves in quite a conundrum.

"There are a total of 30 floors according to the buttons in the elevator. Logically, that would be 1 to 30. But…" The white words on the board stopped appearing for a moment, "When did the numbers get jumbled up?"

Lin Sanjiu gave a wry smile inwardly.