We Can Clear the Confusion With a Fight

"To make things clearer, let's call the Reno with a mark on his wrist, Reno 1. We'll call the Reno by your side, Reno 2. The Rena upstairs—with the dirtied sock—would be Rena 1, and the one with the clean socks would be Rena 2."

Chalk drawings of four small human figures appeared on the blackboard within the building. Two of the figures were upstairs and two were downstairs. They each were labeled with their names and number.

"You saw Reno 2 and Rena 2 when the elevator first opened after you went to the ground floor to look for them. Reno 2 also saw your dead body in the bathtub. You heard a flushing sound, so you rushed upstairs. You met Reno 1 and Rena 1. They both used their abilities."